Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Initial notes on film openings

Marley and Me (David Frankel, 2008)
Budget $60,000,000
$60-20th Century Fox

In the opening scene of Marley and me, when the character was with the dog, here a voice over is said from the central protagonist . Also when the boy is in the field with the dog, you think that he is the central protagonist but he is not. Throughout the movie there is a frame shot that it being used to show the character approaching the door. As much information about the main characters, location is fed to the viewer as possible during the opening scene. What the character wear, and act and their personality helps to build their character. The main two protagonist are very well known in england and america.

Van helsing (2004, Stephen sommers)
Budget, $120,000,000 (usa), £15,000,000 (UK)

The opening sequence of the movie is in black and white, and this connote that its a gothic genre.

Napoleon Dynamite(Jared hess,2004)
Budget ($400,000)
Genre: Comedy
Opening: 3 minutes and 33 seconds of credits
Napoleon, central pratagonist, geek

The opening scene of this film, starts with a geek called Naploeon, who is the Central Protagonist. The first impressions we get from this character are that he is abnormal, and strange and this is what makes him a different character. We can tell this by the use of the clothes that he wear, as he wears his jeans very high, and a checked shirt tucked in to his jeans and has big glasses. Also when he is on the bus, he throws out a toy out the window whilst strearing it with a string. These are the first impressions the audience gets of this central protagonist.

Where the heart is(Matt Williams, 2000)
Based on a novel
Budget: $15,000,000

Sean of the dead
Genre: Comedy (WT2)
Linked to hot fuzz
Budget: $4,000,000 (estimated)
Director: Edgar wright

The opening of Sean of the Dead, it is like a socail realism as its set in the bar and not doing much

Genre horror
Budget: $14,000,000 (estimated)
Director: Wes Craven

The opening of this movie starts with a young woman in a house, who is a central protagonist and lives on her own in a house next to a forest. Through out this scene its set up in a house, where its dark and the music connates tension, and this build up, when the phone keeps ringing. The main camera shot used was long shot to show the background behind, this builds tension and it givesd the audience that feeling that someone is there watching her every move. The first impression we get of the central protagonist is that she is vulnerable and seems lonely.

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